Thank you for your interest in the CED program! We are delighted to have the opportunity to care for, play with, and teach your child. Below you will find our application form and information about the enrollment process.
Please drop off or mail your application to:
Drop Off:
100 Pecan
Aledo, TX 76008
P.O. Box 126
Aledo, TX 76008
Our director reviews and approves, or denies, all applications for enrollment. There is no discrimination because of race or religion. Enrollment is open to any child, provided the school can meet the needs of that child.
Initial enrollment each year includes existing CED children at a date and time specified by the director. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and proceeds in the following manner: 1) Presently enrolled students, 2) Siblings of current students, 3) Aledo UMC Members, and 4) Open Enrollment.
When enrollment in a class becomes full, children are put on a waiting list. Parents are notified when space becomes available.
Parents must fill out an Enrollment Form for each child, listing allergies, doctor’s name, emergency phone numbers, etc. Each child must have a current immunization record and a signed statement of good health on file with CED, and must be current on all immunizations.
Class placement is determined by a child’s age, as of September 1, beginning at two years old. Children are grouped according to age and remain in the same class for the year. Class groupings are the discretion of the director and staff. Children should be potty trained before they are accepted into the Three-year old and Pre-K classes. (No pull-ups.)